PEACE project newly on ZENODO

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  • PEACE project newly on ZENODO: A Hub for Hydrogen Innovation

Published: June 27, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the PEACE project, funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership within the Horizon Europe programme, which is focused on the production of pressurized hydrogen through alkaline electrolysis, has joined ZENODO, the catch-all repository for EC funded research. As part of our commitment to Open Science, collaboration, and the dissemination of knowledge, we have established the PEACE Community on ZENODO, that will serve as a single point where PEACE publications, datasets and other research outputs can be found to be shared and further used in research.

ZENODO is an open-access repository that enables researchers, scientists, and innovators to share and preserve their work. It is backed by CERN, a renowned European research organization, and offers a secure platform for storing and accessing research outputs. ZENODO facilitates the sharing of diverse content, including datasets, publications, software, and presentations, making it a valuable resource for the global research community.

By creating the PEACE Community on ZENODO, we aim to foster collaboration, enhance visibility, and promote the exchange of ideas within the field of hydrogen production and clean energy. The PEACE Community serves as a centralized hub where researchers can access datasets and publications related to our project. By sharing our research outputs on ZENODO, we expand the reach of our work to a global audience. Furthermore, ZENODO offers robust infrastructure for the long-term preservation of research data and publications. Our contributions to hydrogen research will be archived and maintained for future reference, ensuring that our work remains accessible and valuable for years to come.

Visit the PEACE Community on ZENODO:


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